Welcome to ICAI3S 2023
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Informatics and Intelligent Information Systems (ICAI3S 2023), which will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia from November 29 to 30, 2023. ICAI3S 2023 is an international seminar that carries the theme "Leveraging Intelligent Information System and Advanced Informatics in Empowering Society 5.0". This international seminar is organized by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta.
Society 5.0 is a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. Society 5.0 achieves a high degree of convergence between cyberspace (virtual space) and physical space (real space). In Society 5.0, a huge amount of information from sensors in physical space is accumulated in cyberspace. In cyberspace, this big data is analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI), and the analysis results are fed back to humans in physical space in various forms. Interconnectivity is the key here, in order for this processes to brings new value to industry and society in ways not previously possible. New circumstances and lifestyles will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the development of global society in the future. In this seminar, participants are expected to gain an understanding of the concept and implementation of Advanced Informatics and Intelligent Information Systems in human-centered society, so that they can play a major role in the empowerement of human-centered society towards the Society 5.0.
ICAI3S 2023 is expected to be attended by various stakeholders, including academics, practitioners, industry players, government officials, and end-users. Furthermore, this seminar is expected to serve as a platform for exchanging information and knowledge, particularly related to research conducted by academics. The issues discussed are related to the application of Advanced Informatics and Intelligent Information Systems in empowering Society 5.0. The diverse perspectives from various stakeholders are expected to stimulate comprehensive and intensive discussions to develop new concepts and discourses that support the Society 5.0 empowerment and future periods in relation to the implementation of new digital habits that offer various conveniences and challenges in various fields.
ICAI3S 2023 will organize a series of plenary/main seminar sessions and parallel panel sessions for each track offered. Please join us for ICAI3S 2023 to create indelible memories for a lifetime!
Dhimas Arief Dharmawan (ICAI3S 2023 General Chair)
November 14, 2023
Full paper submission deadline
November 21, 2023
Full paper acceptance notification
November 22, 2023
Final Registration deadline (Early Bird)
November 24, 2023
Final Registration deadline (Regular)
November 27, 2023
Camera Ready
Early Bird : USD 125 (IDR 2.000.000)
Regular : USD 150 (IDR 2.250.000)
Presenter (Student)
Early Bird : USD 100 (IDR 1.500.000)
Regular : USD 125 (IDR 2.000.000)
Participants (Non-Presenter)
Early Bird : USD 35 (IDR 500.000)
Regular : USD 50 (IDR 750.000)