Call For Papers – ICAI3S 2024

Yogyakarta, Indonesia • NOVEMBER 26 – 27, 2024 (HYBRID)

The 2024 2nd International Conference on Advanced Informatics and Intelligent Information Systems (ICAI3S 2024) will be organized by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta. We invite full paper submissions containing novel contributions on theory, methodologies, and practical applications in the areas of computer science and information systems, including, but not limited to the following technical areas

Computer Networking

  • Computer Systems
  • Computer Communication and Networking
  • Distributed and Parallel Infrastructure
  • Network Security
  • Computer Interfacing
  • Wireless Sensor Network
Machine Intelligence & Learning System

  • Biologically Inspired Intelligence System
  • Chaos Theory and intelligent control systems
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Deep learning
  • Fault detection, fault analysis and diagnostics
  • Fuzzy Computing
  • Hybrid Methods & Computing
  • Neuro Computing
  • Probabilistic Computing
Informatics & Data Processing

  • Mobile and Cloud Computing
  • Software Engineering
  • Database Systems
  • Data Mining
  • Signal & Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Speech and Language Processing

Information Forensics & Cyber Security

  • Information forensics
  • Information security
  • Biometrics
  • Surveillance and systems applications that incorporate these features
  • Information Asset Protection
ICT Applications

  • Bioinformatics
  • E-Business
  • Tele-medicine
  • E-Tourism
  • Intelligence Building
  • Information Systems
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Climate Resilience